
SGA Meeting Update

By Stephanie Provenzale

On November 21, the Student Government Association (SGA) held a meeting in the campus assembly room for base-line student organizations. At the meeting were leaders and representatives from Women in Communication, LGBT&Allies, ACS, the Carlow University Theatre Group, and many more. Chris Meaner, director of Campus Life and Student Activities, led the meeting, while Allison Cox, president- elect and current treasurer, contributed as well.

Meaner and Cox discussed the transition period that will be occurring next semester as Cox and Rhonda Ekwunoh assume the offices of president and vice-president, respectively.

At this meeting, the allocations manual was distributed to all leaders and representatives present. Meaner asked everyone to read over the manual for the next meeting and to suggest any necessary changes.

Meaner then went into a discussion about Team Sites on MyPortal. Team Sites is a tab on the Portal that all student organizations can use. On these pages, organizations can post all their documents to one place, making transition periods between student group leaders much easier. If any organization is interested in having a Team Site, a student group leader should contact Meaner at

Meaner also stressed the point that some organizations need their own university email accounts, while others do not because they are not as active. If an organization would like to have an email address, the student group leader should make sure the email address is recognizable because not everyone on campus knows acronyms of student organizations. Leaders and representatives were directed to email Meaner if they would like to have an email account set up for them.

The next student group organizations meeting will be held next semester.

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