Carlow Culture

What’s Good Carlow Update

WHAT’S GOOD CARLOW! It has been way too long. It’s finally time to return to the microphones and talk about all things Carlow again.  

We have two new hosts, Bella Diaz (First year-communication minor) and Miranda Depkon (First Year-communication Major) to vamp up the podcast this semester. Expect great new segments like our top five food places in Oakland or our top five things to do in Oakland.  

It’s going to be fun, new, and exciting stuff to listen to. Don’t worry, we aren’t afraid to bring back some of the old segments either.  

Be sure to send messages with feedback and ideas for shows. This is a student run podcast and we want everyone’s voices to be heard. Keep an eye out on Apple Music and Spotify for new episodes. Until then, talk to you soon! 

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